Our Values
Ordinary Lifestyles’ values are embedded in everything we do – all tied together with respect!
Ordinary Lifestyles’ values are embedded in everything we do – tied together with respect!
As a family involved organisation we respect the step towards independence taken by each individual who wishes to move into their own home and we respect their continuing relationship with their family.
Our role is to support the individual and their families; we work with each individual and those who know them best in order to identify where they wish to live, who they wish to live with and what support they need from their staff.

Exploring our values
At an Away Day held in September 2018, which was attended by the individuals we support, Trustees and staff alike, we focused on each of our values and asked ourselves these questions: what does this value feel like, what does it include, what does the organisation do well in relation to this value and how would it feel if we did not have this value.
Click on our values to see what we came up with: