24 hour Support Services
We can provide 24-hour support for adults with disabilities in their own homes.
This could be for people living individually or in shared houses or flats. We do not own any properties; the people we support have their own tenancy, usually with a housing association, and are responsible for their own bills and living costs.
Each 24-hour service has a team of support workers, who are able to get to know the person they are supporting really well. The team work on a rota basis, their shifts are planned to meet the needs of the person they are supporting. Support workers are there to support with all aspects of daily living, from putting the bins out to going on the holiday of a lifetime! Overnight we can provide staff to either sleep over or stay awake, depending on the person’s needs.
This type of service is suitable for people with a wide range of needs.

Lee’s story
I share a house with a friend in North Manchester. I have lived there since 2001. I have 24 hours support from Ordinary Lifestyles, some of this is shared with my friend and some of it is one to one so I can go out on my own with my support staff and cause mischief!
I love visiting my friends, family and Ordinary Lifestyles Managers and sending them text messages and having a little chat with them on the phone. I love going out meeting people in all kinds of social situations and especially love regular short break holidays. I love lots of attention and I dislike being ignored. I really look forward to welcoming visitors into my home and do this with a very big smile. I enjoy doing things for myself with little reminders. I expect my Support Team to be organised and very familiar with my wants and needs and I like to know who is coming on shift in advance.
I enjoy sensory stimulation from paper when I choose. I also love watching Gus and other musician friends on You Tube. I request my favourite activities, food, drink etc. I love fruit and can eat more in one sitting than any of my friends!! I love a cake after meals. I do not like being shouted at. I’m an excellent tidy upper!