Getting support
How to get support from Ordinary Lifestyles…
Ordinary Lifestyles is registered and inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Our services are currently funded by local authorities, either by Direct Payments, an Individual Service Fund or as a commissioned service. We also provide services to people in receipt of NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding or people can self fund. There is detailed information on the Mencap website, which explains how to access assessments and funding for social care. To view click here
If you would like to receive support from Ordinary Lifestyles please contact our office on 0161 202 0050 or email: and a member of our team will be happy to discuss your requirements and help you consider the options. If we think we are able to provide support we will arrange to meet you and anyone else who knows you well and who you would like to be involved. We will listen to what you want, take into consideration the type of support you need, the times you need support and any preference for staff. Following this we would be able to provide a decision as to whether we will be able to support you and give an estimate of how long it would take for us to set up that support.